As I've always enjoyed a good book, I've also enjoyed writing, although one may not know it. My experiences with writing have been more like love notes, letters to friends, or prayers on paper, however it is my hope that someone will find my writing somewhat entertaining. With saying that, I figured I'd jump on the wagon with the others who have been suckered into the ole Blog life. And I have a feeling I'm going to enjoy it a little too much. Maybe this new past-time will replace my precious time I so often find myself wasting on facebook. We shall see...
It's been almost five years since I've written a paper for college and this reminds me a lot of that. It seems the introduction was always the most challenging part for me. Why is it so tough to get started? I'm anxious to tell you about what is going on in life right now yet I know I need to recap the past before bringing you up to date. I suppose a good "starting point" would be to briefly cover the last decade. Why decade? Because believe it or not, it has almost been TEN years since my high school graduation. That is insane, people! I still feel 17 sometimes! we go.
After spending a glorious 13 years at Brookwood School in Thomasville, I ventured off to The University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa where I completed my freshman year of college. Although I had the time of my life at Alabama, the Lord had other plans for me. So for various reasons, I transferred to Southeastern University in Lakeland, FL where I started my sophomore year. Besides giving my life to Christ, this was probably the best decision I've ever made. After receiving my undergraduate degree in Psychology from SEU, I moved back to Thomasville and landed a job at Archbold Northside Psychiatric Hospital where I worked for almost three years. What an eye opener and blessing my time there was. I learned a ridiculous amount about myself and the Lord through the broken lives of so many others. While working at Northside with a handful of nurses and doctors, I found myself entertaining the idea of becoming a nurse myself. So here I am- a dreadful, intense, sleepless and stressful two plus years of Nursing School later...... Haley Harper, RN. I graduated in June and after enjoying a month at the beach this summer, I started my Nursing career in Critical Care at the hospital here in Thomasville, Archbold Medical Center. And that in nutshell (a very watered down nutshell), has been my life this last decade.
I look forward to sharing with you the many joys that fill my soul at this point in my life. Such as the overwhelming faithfulness of Christ though I fall immensely short of His glory day after day... my only niece who is just a month old yet already my best friend... my four absolutely precious nephews... making my first home just the way I want it... my love and longing for the beach life... my one and a half year old golden retriever, Jude... the ministry of Young Life... my loving parents who spoil me way too much as a twenty seven year old... night shift work in the IMCU... my siblings and their spouses... my close friends- old and new...
Yes, it is a simple life I live. Nothing extraordinary. But when I lay my head down at night, I thank God for the fullness that consumes and surrounds me. Life is good.